Anya 'ri Umunne in the Igbo language translates (conceptually), to - Communal Meal-.
In the home town of my mother, where I was raised, when a new bride is being taken to the groom's home, as part of the ceremony, the groom's community, must give the bride's, many large balls of fufu to take home as they leave. It is these that the groom's family will eat amongst themselves and serve to their visitors for at least a few days. This concept is also one way of having 'Oriko' ([meal of]re-integration, reconciliation, togetherness).
This work and its’ sister pieces such as Doughnut and Egg, 2019, is meant to cause us to reflect on food, food security and even consumerism. What things do we adapt to, consume and enjoy? Why, and How? As individuals, communities and governments, are we all looking after the people that have been placed in our care. Are we carrying on with such unhealthy practices as selfishly consuming resources that are unhealthy for us because this is/appears to be enjoyable today?